Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Welcome to the Mind of Abi

It's two days before Thanksgiving, 2009...a day after my father's 57th birthday - which reminds me that my incredible "old man" (he's not that old okay) - is aging.

As I focus on writing a piece that seems to be taking forever to complete, ding! something goes off in my head and I remember that I never returned to update my blogger account...I never got past writing my name and providing an e-mail address! So what brings me to the magical world of blogging? One of them being my inability to stay still considering ongoing events in my continent...yes, i said "my" continent, Africa.

To you, Africa, I feel as though I've deserted for a while. Silence, in this case, isn't golden when I read reports about Ghana's oil discovery being in danger. Silence isn't golden when I read that Niger Delta militants are apparently training Ghanaians. My silence breaks with a smile, though, when I read that Kenya has launched an HIV/AIDS door-to-door campaign to get one million people tested! Kudos, Kenya!

But what with the Democratic Republic of Congo sending me to sleep with a nasty frown? Do I quiet down? This is when some of my most powerful tools -- my mind, my hand, my keyboard -- get stirred. Stay with me...you won't regret the ride :-)

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